29 December 2016

Book Log 2016 #38: Eating for Ireland by Tom Doorley

I suppose I'd call this book a "food memoir," as it looks at specific foods and food-related topics from the author's experience growing up and living in Ireland.  I think the main issue for me is that I'm not Irish, so I don't have the references or experiences that would have allowed me to enjoy the book as deeply as someone who is Irish. That being said, I did like the writing style and stuck with it, and did find that I was able to use what experience I have with Ireland (and with being married into a British family, as there's a fair amount of similarity in food) to get a fair amount of enjoyment out of the book.

The structure - one chapter per item - does allow for easy browsing, which is helpful if you're not familiar with things like rissoles, drisheen, or schpring schprong (which I am not; just typing these I have no idea what they are, and I'm pretty sure I read about them!).

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