14 January 2009

Baby update!

We had our level II ultrasound last week, and it apparently went well. At least we're taking the doctor's word for it, as even at the higher level of resolution it was hard to tell which greyish blob was what body part (aside from the limbs, at least). We did get some decent profile shots of the head, though there's not much more you can say about it than (a) the baby does, indeed, have a head, and (b) it has the appropriate features in the appropriate places.

We did get to see the heart pumping away, which was pretty cool.

So while we're still at a higher risk for certain things, our low starting risk, coupled with the scan, suggests that our overall risk is still pretty low. I will say I don't think we were ever frantic about potential issues, between the assurances from our doctor and our short visit with the Crowley family, which gave us some frame of reference (and as an aside, Salome, you have my permission to get on your soap box in the comments as you see fit).

Coming back from the appointment we noticed that there was a police car blocking Huntington Avenue, which we thought was odd until we got to my office and heard about this. The ladder involved operates out of a station that abuts campus, and I can see the station house from my office. It's a sad enough story on its own, and it's looking to fester into something else between additional brake problems on fire equipment and the firefighters' union stepping in to ask the state police to inspect their trucks. More fun ahead, I'm sure.

But back to baby. Not much else to report other than the ultrasound. We still have no boy name (I don't think Zach Wamp is legally binding; sorry, Tennessee!), and we've not yet sucked it up and gone to Babies R Us to register for stuff. We've never liked that chain due to the very unusual way it is organized, and we've assumed that it becomes more intuitive once you are pregnant or have kids. Should we ever work up the courage to go back in we'll let you know if that's the case.


Anonymous said...

At my first ultrasound, the blob now known as Teddy was uncooperative, so the tech was only able to give us a picture of his head, straight on as though you were looking him in the eyes. The problem with that is, the eyes are all fluid and don't show up as anything, so it was like looking at a skull. We called the baby Skeletor for a while, but the week my Baby Center email update said the baby was the size of a bell pepper, it morphed into Peppertor. We do still occasionally call him Droolitor or Poopitor as the nickname fits.

What happened to Macron Xerxes for a boy? We didn't use it because you guys had claimed it.

Anonymous said...

I just have one piece of advice for Sarah when you do go to register: DON'T GIVE MARK THE REGISTERING LASER GUN. If you do, who knows what he'll put on the list. Especially if he goes past the candy near the checkouts.

Although, you could solve the boy's name dilemma and plan for Peter Keshavan Coen and register for several cases of Mountain Dew.

Mark said...

For some reason, Sarah has rejected Macron Xerxes. So much for having a son who'll grow up to become Emperor of Byzantium.

Erik, I was given the gun when we registered for our wedding gifts, which is how the chocolate bars and bottled water Macy's has by its registers wound up on our list. I imagine she'll not make that mistake again.

The Grim Reaper said...

If not legally binding, it's still damn cool.

We Want Zach!

We Want Zach!

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