11 July 2007

Three points about softball:

1. Not allowing walks is a problem when you have teams whose pitchers can't (a) arc the ball or (b) get the ball within three feet of the plate. Without the walk you force hitters to swing at crap, making it to a team's benefit to have a lousy pitcher. I'd rather hit off a tee than spend as much time as I did last night loitering around the plate.

Make the walk six balls or four balls in a row. Something to force at least mediocre pitching.

2. No one likes to lose; as someone much wiser than I once said, winning beats losing. Even so, batting out of order to give the women on your team fewer at bats is one of the lamest cheats going, especially from supposed adults. Worse still is that the women on the team seemed to have no problem with this.

(Oh, and point 2a: umpires should be clued in enough to see this is happening.)

3. I am in no shape to leg out a (defensively-aided) triple. But I did. Good thing we won, I'd have hated to almost kill myself in defeat.

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