26 March 2016

Lentorama 2016: #Lent

Day 40: This blog may not be the best example

PSA for Catholic Charities aside, I thought the idea of putting faith into action was a good one to end on. Not that I have much faith (at least in the church as an institution), and blogging isn't much of an action (especially as most, if not all, of these posts are done after the fact and back-dated). But I hope there was at least one point where the four of you who've been reading these posts had a laugh or a thought got provoked. And I hope you'll be back for Lentorama 2017: Lenten Observers of Instagram. 

25 March 2016

Lentorama 2016: #Lent

Day 39: Wait, what?

OK, this has always confused me, but if this article is accurate I get why Lent apparently ended yesterday but I'm only on day 39 of this thing. In short, Lent as a liturgical season ends on Holy Thursday, when we start the Easter Triduum. But the Lenten fast continues through the Triduum. So you may want to put that chocolate down, at least for another day or two.

24 March 2016

Lentorama 2016: #Lent

Day 38: Now you tell me!


23 March 2016

Lentorama 2016: #Lent

Day 37: A timely question

I don't know the answer, but I'm going to guess that "have an armed police presence at all times in certain neighborhoods" isn't it.  

22 March 2016

Lentorama 2016: #Lent

Day 36: Curious under what theory of pedagogy this is acceptable

The flip side, then, is failure to meet the canned food drive goal is punished by more learning. That seems like a solid lesson to teach the kids.  

21 March 2016

Lentorama 2016: #Lent

Day 35: is anyone going as the donkey?

I didn't expect to find a tweet that combined Lent and a furry convention in Virginia, but here we are. I'd like to see how the circles on the Venn diagram intersect on these groups.

19 March 2016

Lentorama 2016: #Lent

Day 34: At least there's no comparison to hairstyles

A piece that compares Jesus to Donald Trump, in an indirect way. More on point than expected. 

18 March 2016

Lentorama 2016: #Lent

Day 33: They pulled off the tricky double asshole

So this is the Twitter account for the US Conference of Catholic Bishops initiative to "defend" marriage. I've awarded them the double asshole for the following:

Assholery the First: the crack about bacon always smelling the best on Lenten Fridays. You're the people who keep us from eating bacon in the first place, why rub our noses in it?

Assholery the Second: the use of the term "religious liberty" on the attached image. Look, if the church wants to oppose same sex marriage, so be it. But to somehow say that religious liberty is at stake simply because same sex marriage exists - when the church is in no way required to solemnize or recognize such marriages - is asinine. We've had same sex marriage in Massachusetts for over a decade, and in no way has my liberty to worship been infringed. Make your argument on positive theological points, not reliance on some PR phrase that's turned into a thinly veiled code for bigotry.

17 March 2016

Lentorama 2016: #Lent

Day 32: I expected more from you, Twitter!

OK, it may be my primitive Twitter search skills, but I expected, many tweets about not being able to drink on St. Patrick's Day. But I found very few. This was my favorite.

16 March 2016

Lentorama 2016: #Lent

Day 31: I don't make saints, but if I did there'd be a samurai

Really not much to do with Lent other than the timing of the announcement, but how can you pass up posting about a samurai saint?

15 March 2016

Lentorama 2016: #Lent

Day 30: Remind Him to clean around the baseboards this time

14 March 2016

Lentorama 2016: #Lent

Day 29: Here's your Netflix lineup for Holy Week


12 March 2016

Lentorama 2016: #Lent

Day 28: I'm guessing the first reminder is rhetorical

The second reminder, though, is something we can all use from time to time. 

11 March 2016

Lentorama 2016: #Lent

Day 27: "Knot bread" - you get it?

I guess this means I should stop eating waffle pretzels for the next few weeks? 

10 March 2016

Lentorama 2016: #Lent

Day 26: I assume there will be no windows of Mercy once the doors are closed

So this is a Jubilee Year of Mercy, of which one of the symbols is the opening of a door of mercy, such as they Holy Door at St. Peter's Basilica. Walking through such a door is supposed to have some sort of spiritual benefit, so if you're so inclined, here's a list of all the holy doors in the US.

09 March 2016

Lentorama 2016: #Lent

Day 25: Probably no Easter egg hunts in this one

The targeted marketing for this movie has been interesting. Whenever I've seen an ad on cable, it's included positive blurbs from well known conservative sources like Focus on the Family, Hugh Hewitt, and... Kathie Lee Gifford? The ads on local TV only include blurbs from one person: Sean Cardinal O'Malley. Know your audience, I suppose.

08 March 2016

Lentorama 2016: #Lent

Day 24: in case you want to coordinate with your priest.

While not as interesting/funny as the unique haberdashery of the Catholic church, this explanation of the liturgical colors is a pretty good basic explanation of when what color is worn and why.  

07 March 2016

Lentorama 2016: #Lent

Day 23: or Day 1 if you live in Cairo

So while Christians in the west have been dealing with a lack of coffee and meat on Fridays for about three weeks, Orthodox Christians are just getting started. Everyone uses the same starting point to determine when to start figuring out when Easter is, but not the same calendar - western Christians use the Gregorian calendar (the same one we use day to day), while Orthodox use the Julian calendar. Without going into details, this alters the calculations enough that the dates can be, like this year, more than a month apart.

But then there's next year, when they're on the same date. Time is hard.

05 March 2016

Lentorama 2016: #Lent

Day 22: Note: actual refreshments not served


04 March 2016

Lentorama 2016: #Lent

Day 21: In case you weren't having enough trouble giving something up


03 March 2016

Lentorama 2016: #Lent

Day 20: Halftime show!

Also, in a textbook example of understatement, that choir is performing in the King's College Chapel. I've seen less impressive cathedrals.

02 March 2016

Lentorama 2016: #Lent

Day 19: Without the visual, this has a very different meaning.

01 March 2016

Lentorama 2016: #Lent

Day 18: Yeah!

And now I'll have Lil Jon reciting the Our Father in my head. "Give us this day our daily bread... THAT'S RIGHT!"

Lentorama 2024: Clerical Crime Solvers Day 40: Cadfael Born in Wales, Cadfael left home to become as servant to a wool merchant in the Engli...