18 March 2016

Lentorama 2016: #Lent

Day 33: They pulled off the tricky double asshole

So this is the Twitter account for the US Conference of Catholic Bishops initiative to "defend" marriage. I've awarded them the double asshole for the following:

Assholery the First: the crack about bacon always smelling the best on Lenten Fridays. You're the people who keep us from eating bacon in the first place, why rub our noses in it?

Assholery the Second: the use of the term "religious liberty" on the attached image. Look, if the church wants to oppose same sex marriage, so be it. But to somehow say that religious liberty is at stake simply because same sex marriage exists - when the church is in no way required to solemnize or recognize such marriages - is asinine. We've had same sex marriage in Massachusetts for over a decade, and in no way has my liberty to worship been infringed. Make your argument on positive theological points, not reliance on some PR phrase that's turned into a thinly veiled code for bigotry.

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