20 May 2008

So I'm mulling running a tournament here over the summer. The basic idea is Brilliant But Cancelled: The Tournament.

(Note to any NBC Universal legal counsel: I'll change the name when it starts, save the cease and desist letter for someone else.)

I don't have much of it planned, but it would generally follow the format used by Craig (among others) - each day would feature a number of match-ups (likely four to start, fewer as we move along), with multiple days allowed for voting in the comments and by email. At this point I'm thinking of limiting it to broadcast network prime time shows that lasted no longer than two seasons or 50 episodes (to cover older shows that had longer seasons or ran more than once a week), but am open to argument for including cable and/or non-prime time programming. Field size is open, too, but would likely be 64.

I'd probably start this in early June, though I'd really want to end it by August 1, so it's finished before our big graduation that month.

I'm working on shows to include now, but nominations are more than welcome, especially as I may miss some of the more recent shows that the kids watch.


Craig Barker said...

I am in full support of this tournament, and as usual would request a feed burner email option to remind me to vote. If you do it, I will make nominations if requested.


Mark said...

Suggest away, this will happen, just have to work out the timing.

Anonymous said...

I can propose some nominations too, as well.

What would qualify as a "Brilliant but Canceled" show? Maximum number of episodes or seasons? Are all genres open for consideration?

For want of anything better to post, here's a breakdown of if I've been to the most populous 100 cities in the US, and if so for how...