01 September 2009

Book Log 2009 #32: World War Z by Max Brooks

I'm not much of a zombie fan, unlike some people. I have nothing against zombie movies and the like, more that I'm not much of a horror genre person generally. But Greg suggested this book as it does venture into the alt-history genre, sort of, so I gave it a go.

And I have to say that I may have misjudged my affinity for the walking dead. I really enjoyed the story, and using an oral history framework made the thing seem a little less bizarre for me. I suppose there's some sort of parable in here as well about how to win a war against a foe that's non-state, but really, it's the sort of book you do read for the zombies.

1 comment:

Greg said...

Co-dedicate your book to George Romero and Studs Terkel, and you build up mountains of my goodwill.

For want of anything better to post, here's a breakdown of if I've been to the most populous 100 cities in the US, and if so for how...