28 May 2010

Quick housekeeping update. As you may have noticed, I finally got around to updating my links, as most of the people listed over there haven't written a new blog post in over a year. They've been replaced with links to some of the blogs that I read regularly, bringing me up to about 2006 in standard blog practice.

Anyway, your guide to the changes, as if you couldn't just click on the links to see what they're about:

538 is a political blog from the same people who bring us the Baseball Prospectus. As you'd expect, their main stock in trade is in applying quantitative analysis to elections and issues. The folks behind it are clearly to the left, but they're at least not of the shrieking, Michael Moore/Keith Olbermann school of discourse.

Adventures in Snack Canyon is a movie blog I contribute to, which is funny given how infrequently I go to the movies.

Jon Couture's link is no longer to his personal blog but to the one he does while covering the Red Sox for the New Bedford Standard-Times, the finest fishwrap on all of the South Coast.

Charlie Pierce comes to us via the Boston Globe, which I take as a small step towards apologizing for the decades of inflicting Dan Shaugnessey on the public. You may know Pierce from his contributions to NPR shows like Only a Game and Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me!

Finally, there's Joe Posnanski, who is now on staff at Sports Illustrated after his most recent stint for the Kansas City Star (which, between him and TV writer Aaron Barnhart, should have made it the pop culture newspaper of record). For the blog Joe writes about pretty much anything that comes to mind, from his love of Bruce Springsteen to a fascination with Snuggies. With apologies to his previously mentioned colleagues (save Shaughnessey), I'd say he's currently the best sportswriter in America. Sadly, he's moving from a self-named location to SI's website, trading in his very pleasing minimalist layout for one that's busier (though, thankfully, not as nightmarish as your average page at ESPN.com).

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