22 February 2013

Lentorama 2013: There's a Name for That

Day 9: Infirmarii

With a conclave coming up soon to elect the successor to Benedict XVI, we might as well throw some related terms into the mix. The Infirmarii are three cardinals selected before voting to get votes from cardinals who are too sick to leave their rooms to vote. All three apparently visit each cardinal who needs them, and they tally the votes collected to make sure that the number of votes match the number of cardinals visited. Infirmarii fulfill their role for only one morning or afternoon of voting (typically two sessions are held during each morning and afternoon of a conclave), and three new ones are picked before starting the next two sessions.

Can't find any information about how often the infirmarii have to collect votes, wonder if better health care and the age limit on voting eligibility has made an impact. Just have to wait for the Vatican Journal of Clerical Health article on the subject.

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