20 August 2013

Book Log 2013 #12: The Man in the Empty Suit by Sean Ferrell

The premise is simple enough: a man who has figured out time travel celebrates his birthday every year with all of his other selves from across time at a party that is always the same. At least until the man turns 39, at which point the party changes, and one of his selves ends up dead. How that happens - and how to prevent it, with the help of his older selves and a mysterious woman - makes up the bulk of the story.

And it's not a bad story per se, but I found myself hung up on the time travel aspect and its details (such as how various versions of the man become "untethered" as things change) at points that took away from my overall enjoyment of the book. I'd also have liked a little more background on whatever calamity has befallen the planet (or at least New York) in the man's timeline. It's not necessarily important - though the mostly abandoned city does allow the party to go on year after year - just something that niggled.

Anyway, it's certainly worth a gander, and you may like it more than I did if you can get past the things that I couldn't quite get my head around.

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