15 November 2014

Book Log #24: Raiders of the Nile by Steven Saylor

I'm always excited to find a new Gordianus the Finder novel, but was surprised to find that this is the second in a series of prequels set during the time in his youth where he traveled and then lived in Alexandria. In this book, Gordianus is enjoying his life in Egypt with Bethesda, as he waits out the conflict that makes returning to Rome impossible. That enjoyment is cut short when Bethesda is kidnapped, and Gordianus has to use his skills to find out who took her and how he can get her back. This puts Gordianus among the titular raiders, and sees him embroiled into a wider plot involving the throne of Egypt and the sarcophagus of Alexander the Great.

Seeing the younger Gordianus in action is interesting, as he already has many of the skills needed for his profession but not the experience that would later help him navigate the twisting political currents of Rome. Otherwise, the story has the same feel and tone as the other Gordianus books, allowing it to fit into the series even with it being set well before the first Gordianus novel. Looking forward to seeing how Gordianus gets back to Rome and establishes himself.

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