18 June 2015

Book Log 2015 #15: The Marco Effect by Jussi Adler-Olsen

Things are changing for Carl Morck and Department Q, and not in a good way. A rival of Carl's is now overseeing the department and has saddled the team with a new member loyal to the rival, and Carl's long-term romantic plans take a sudden detour. But they do manage to get a new case, one involving the death of a government bureaucrat and possible financial misdealing by a government agency and a bank. The key to the case? A teenaged Roma boy (the Marco of the title) who has to avoid his vengeful clan and various hired guns to get what he knows to the authorities - whom he barely trusts.

This installment in the series is more of a conventional thriller - there seems to be a Marco-driven chase scene in every other chapter - but it's still solid. I would have liked a little more progress on the series-spanning plots, which get much less time than in the previous book, but there are new issues- Assad's recovery from injuries sustained in the previous book, and a potential romantic entanglement between Rose and the department's new member - which add something for each character.

In any case, I did enjoy this and continue to recommend the series.

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