07 October 2015

Book Log 2015 #25: The Fear Index by Robert Harris

This book takes one of the growing trends in the financial sector - the use of algorithms and AI in tracking markets and making trades based on automated predictions - and takes it to the place where Michael Critchton would have taken it were he still alive.

Alex Hoffman is a world-renowned scientist who teams up with an investment banker to create a fund that makes everyone rich. But when they move on to the next level, trying to create a system that will use an actual fear index - one that reflects insecurities in the market - things start to spiral out of control.

The main drawback for me with this book is that it was much clearer to me what was happening than it was to anyone in the book - even the main character.  But I was also expecting something dramatic, so it's not like I was approaching things from the same mindset as the characters.

It's well-written, but I do prefer Harris' historical fiction more than his contemporary novels. Still, if you're a fan it's worth a read.

(Popsugar Reading Challenge: Read a book where the main character isn't human. I'm counting this here given the role the AI plays in driving the plot.)

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