01 February 2016

Book Log 2016 #2: The Girl in the Spider's Web by David Lagercrantz

So when we last left the Millennium trilogy the talk of a fourth book was stalled as Stieg Larsson's  long-time partner was in possession of a partial manuscript for a fourth book and all of Larsson's notes. But thanks to an improperly witnessed will, Larsson's estate was awarded to his father and brother. And with ownership of the series, they hired Lagercrantz to write this book.

And I'm not sure he was the best choice, based on the results. The book is OK, but it just feels like your average thriller steeped in the Edward Snowdon/shadowy intelligence community zeitgeist, but with the Millenium characters. It does set up the future conflict between Lisbeth Salander and her twin sister (who now heads the criminal empire started by their father), but I don't know if I'm all that interested in that story at this point.

I suppose it was too much to hope that all of the parties would get together and figure out a way to get the Millennium series written more towards what Larsson had in mind. But I hope that future attempts to cash in on the characters will be more of a piece with the original books.

(2016 Popsugar Reading Challenge: a book translated into English)

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