26 May 2016

Book Log 2016 #3: The Boys in the Boat by Daniel James Brown

So the good news in 2016 is that I've started using Goodreads to keep track of what I've read and what I would like to read in the future. The bad news is that after I finish the book and rate it, I forget to come over here to write about it. So I've got about a 10 book backlog and vague memories at best of what I thought about each.

I am less vague in my feelings on this book, which I really liked. Lost in the story of Jesse Owens is this tale of how a group of college kids from the University of Washington challenged the best that the US and the world could offer, and came out on top (spoiler alert, I suppose). The book focuses on a few of the rowers, their coach, and the boat builder who supplied their shell (and those used by many of their opponents as well). And for knowing how things turn out, it's a compelling read that still manages to build tension during the races that build up to the final race.

If you're looking for a good read in this Olympic year, pick this one up.

(Popsugar Reading Challenge: A book recommended by a family member. My wife gave this to me for Christmas, which I'm taking as a recommendation.)

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