13 August 2018

 Book Log 2018 #29: Fallout by Harry Turtledove

The Cold War has turned hot, as both the US and Soviet Union have turned to using nuclear weapons against each other and their allies in the hopes of claiming world dominance. Both sides look to use these new weapons to decapitate the leadership of the other, and where they fail internal politics may wind up succeeding.

I have mixed feelings about this book (and the series in general), mostly based the mixed feelings I have towards Turtledove's more recent work. I'm also not sure this series really depicts the sorts of horrors that would have been unleashed if the Cold War really did lead to this sot of actual war (though I say this with the caveat that it's been a while since I've read this book and could be underestimating how the war is being depicted).

Is it worth checking this series out? Hard to say. I've not been clamoring to read the final book, but at the same time writing this recap makes me want to get to it. I suppose I'm at the point with Turtledove that I'm at with Steve Berry. Not exactly hate reading, but not exactly real enjoyment either.

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