10 August 2020

 Book Log 2020 #49: The Weight of Ink by Rachel Kadish

A university researcher, nearing the end of her career, gets a call from a former student. Some documents were found during renovations to his home, and he thinks they fall into her area of expertise. She goes to see them, and instantly realizes their importance. Needing help to research the documents, she enlists a graduate student in her hunt to figure out who is Aleph, the name adopted by their scribe.

While this is playing out, we are also brought into a 17th century timeline, where we meet the scribe and learn how they got the job, and how entering the world of letters and intellectual pursuits changes the scribe's life. 

I liked the way the two story lines played off against each other, and the juxtaposition of the scribe (who is entering a world of knowledge) and the researcher (who is leaving it). Probably a little long, but a good read nevertheless.

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