08 May 2021

 Book Log 2021 #22: Sword of Kings by Bernard Cornwell

Uhtred of Bebbanburg has regained his Northumbrian fortress, and seems set to live out his days in the land of his birth.

Fate, of course, has other plans.

Edward, son of Alfred, is on the English throne, but there are questions if he can keep his kingdom together. Mercia and Wessex seem on the verge of splitting into independent kingdoms again, and various claimants to all the thrones start to stake their claims. In order to settle the unrest, and to live up to the oath he made to Edward's heir Aethelstan, Uhtred once again rides into battle.

This was on par with the other books in the later part of the series. Although as the next to last book in the series, how likely are you to bail now?

Unrelated technical note: I like to link to author websites rather than publishers where I can, but Cornwell's website basically acknowledges that this book exists and points you to where you can buy it. The lack of detail is surprising,  

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