06 June 2021

 Book Log 2021 #26: Flour Water Salt Yeast by Ken Forkish

I might have been the only person in America that didn't try to bake his own soudough bread during the Covid-19 pandemic, though this book almost changed that. While there are parts of the book that detail how the author developed his baking skills and opened his own bakery, the bulk of the book walks you through various recipies and how to manage the amounts of the four title ingredients when making bread, pizza dough, and other baked goods. 

The one thing I really took from this book wasn't the recipies as much as the importance of time. Not just baking time, but time spent preparing dough, waiting for it to rise, and so on. While not all the recipies require a huge investment in time, reading through it became clear to me that you have to have a certain amount of patience to turn out really good bread. Maybe that not being obvious to me is why I never gave making some of these loaves a shot.

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