22 October 2008

For those of you who are looking for one more thing to drive you to distraction on election night, I've created a little prediction game.

Point yourself here to get a copy of the spreadsheet, and get your completed predictions to me by 11:59 PM EDT on Monday, November 3. If I've screwed anything up, feel free to note it in the comments for my public shaming and eventual correction. The winner will get a prize, by which I mean something I'll find at home that can be easily mailed or hand-delivered the next time I see the winner.


Craig Barker said...

Mark, this is freaking me out:
Look at the time splits on your post and this post

It's like we had the same essential idea at the same essential moment.

Mark said...
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Mark said...

Apparently this election has some power over the space-time continuum. We may want to stock up on bottled water and canned goods in case its power grows.

Anonymous said...

I think we're all a bit wary of the prize possibilities. Because while it might be difficult to mail a "trophy" made of free AOL CDs, butter-esque product tubs and soda bottles, I would bet it's easy to mail something like a sneaker nailed to a board or a fish glued to a plate (which we still have -- it somehow survived both the move 4 years ago and the purge of stuff from what is now Ted's room but was once our spare room).

Mark said...

Glad to hear the fish survives. I look forward to your great-great-great-great-grandchildren taking it to Space Antiques Roadshow to figure out what the hell it is.

Anonymous said...

I assume GU is supposed to be IA?

Mark said...

No, GU is Guam. They're having a straw poll and I needed them to make the thing an even 200 points. I managed to forget Iowa, apparently.

For want of anything better to post, here's a breakdown of if I've been to the most populous 100 cities in the US, and if so for how...