14 November 2008

Our Fox affiliate, whose news department hasn't found a three day old story that it can't repackage as current news, had some sort of report last night about hypermiling. If hypermiling sounds familiar, it's because it was big news in, what, June?

I suppose they were reacting to news that the New Oxford American Dictionary dubbed hypermiling word of the year status for 2008. Personally, I'd have gone with staycation, and am surprised that it didn't get off the short list. I've not heard any of the other finalists in day to day parlance other than toxic debt, which is kind of a stupid choice for a finalist.

Still, way to be on the ball, Fox 25. I'm looking forward to your upcoming report about Hurricane Gustav.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They could quote Mayor Nagin, "looters will be sent directly to prison, and Michael Brown will be shot on sight."

For want of anything better to post, here's a breakdown of if I've been to the most populous 100 cities in the US, and if so for how...