04 November 2008

You may recall that there was a period right after the wife and I moved to Beverly that we had three incidents involving drivers on train tracks. Things abated after that, and it looked like the general public had gotten the subtle reminder that in the battle between car and train, train wins.

But that lesson apparently didn't make it one town over to Salem, as a guy managed to drive into a train tunnel and get hit by an oncoming train. Going one better than the Beverly incidents, which all involved street crossings, the driver here got on the track after driving down the platform. Neither platform nor tunnel are on street crossings, which has left us wondering how this whole thing played out (there is an area on one end of the platform where you could conceivably get a car on to the platform, but there's a gate there that I've never seen open; maybe yesterday was the day).

Of course, this happened at the start of the home-bound commute, so we got to add a couple of hours to our travel time as we sat on the train waiting to be let of at Lynn, where we then got to wait for a bus to take us to Salem, from where we got another bus to Beverly and then could, thankfully, walk home. Things went about as well as could be expected on that end, I suppose. Even so, we drove in today, both to facilitate voting and to avoid any lingering delays from the investigation or potential track damage. We managed to stay off the rails.

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