30 June 2009

Book Log 2009 #23: The Chicago Way by Michael Harvey

After reading the second book featuring Chicago private eye Michael Kelly (The Fifth Floor), I went back and read this introductory novel, which didn't quite measure up to the second one but is still quite good. The jacket blurbs try a little too hard to put this into classic noir territory, which could disappoint as it's really not up to the Hammett/Chandler standard. Still, it's about as noir as you can get in 2009, and it's got the requisite inside dealing and grit.

The story itself involves a cold case (not surprising, given Harvey's connection to Cold Case Files) that Kelly's old partner wants to revive, even though he was officially ordered to forget it. This leads to more bloodshed, and the involvement of the Chicago police, judiciary and media to link up the old crime with the new ones.

As expected, you should read the two books in sequence, as there are aspects of this book that are spolied by reading them out of turn. Both would be fine reads for your summer vacation.

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