25 April 2011

Lentorama 2011: Better Late than Never?

Days 1-40: The 40 Most Common Words in the Bible

OK, so I skipped the Lentorama this year, but after having a couple of people comment on its absence (at least one of whom I think is sincere about missing it), I figured I'd come up with something, even as half-assed as this is.

I should note that this list is based on the King James version, which is the one version where I could find a word frequency list. I know, fans of the New Revised Standard version will be disappointed.

Anyway, your list:

AND - 28364
THE - 28269
OF - 21257
THAT - 12044
TO - 11683
IN - 11285
HE - 9022
FOR - 8684
UNTO - 8326
A - 7582
LORD - 7365
HIS - 7127
SHALL - 6796
I - 6664
THEY - 6638
NOT - 6579
BE - 6568
IS - 6442
THEM - 6073
WITH - 5973
HIM - 5900
ALL - 5606
IT - 5431
THOU - 4563
BUT - 4487
WHICH - 4432
WAS - 4369
GOD - 4293
SAID - 3981
FROM - 3679
HAVE - 3608
AS - 3603
THY - 3581
THEIR - 3478
MY - 3441
ME - 3410
WILL - 3307
WHEN - 3237
THEE - 3162
YE - 3058
ARE- 2952

And as a little extra, I've even put these together into a fake Bible verse:

And the of that to in he, for unto a lord his shall I they not be. Is them with him all? It thou but which was God said “from have as thy, their my me will when thee ye are.” - Second Book of Ezenekiel, 3:17

Feel free to come up with your own in the comments.


Allyson said...

I scanned the list quickly, but did a double-take when I got to the lines BUT and WHICH, which I combined into a word I suspect is not in the Bible at all.

Also, thanks for this! :)

Mark said...

I think buttwich is used in the Apocrypha somewhere.

For want of anything better to post, here's a breakdown of if I've been to the most populous 100 cities in the US, and if so for how...