08 March 2013

Lentorama 2013: There's a Name for That

Day 21: Ring of the Fisherman

Part of the papal regalia, this ring shows Peter fishing (a reference to both the first pope and the role of the Apostles as "fishers of men") and has the pope's name on it. It was used as a signet ring well into the 19th century, but is now strictly ornamental (and often not worn at all, though Benedict XVI wore his daily, which fits his sartorial theme of throwbacks).

Even though it's no longer used to seal official documents, the ring is still treated as an official symbol of office, leading to a ceremony upon the death (or now, resignation) of a pope where the ring is destroyed to ensure no one uses the ring for fraudulent purposes. That we've reached a point where fraud comes out of the Vatican on a regular basis without the need of a ring is another matter entirely.

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