27 June 2014

Book Log 2014 #10: The King's Deception by Steve Berry

And we stay with thrillers, this one the latest Cotton Malone outing, where he and his son are involved in a plot to quash the release of a Libyan terrorist from a Scottish jail by proving that Queen Elizabeth I was actually an impostor (meaning that anything done in her name could be legally invalid, including the transfer of lands in Northern Ireland to English and Scottish Protestants). 

The story is actually told in flashback, and includes the revelation that Cotton's son is actually not his son, biologically at least. We're also introduced to two characters we'll likely see again, one a streetwise teen, the other a British cop who has a bit of a wild streak (and just may wind up being Cotton's latest romantic interest).

Things go pretty much as you'd expect, but I liked it better than his previous couple of outings.

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