07 December 2014

Book Log 2014 #28: The Foreign Correspondent by Alan Furst

A dangerous game is forming in pre-war Paris, pitting a group of Italians who publish a resistance newspaper against Fascist secret agents who have turned up the violence in the hopes of keeping the paper out of Italy.

In the middle of this struggle is the foreign correspondent of the title, an Italian working in Paris for Reuters. He has to balance his actual job with his increasingly important role with the paper, a role that also draws him into the orbit of the French and British secret services. On top of all of this is his reunion with a former lover, who is now married and involved with a resistance cell in Germany. Can our hero keep the resistance newspaper running and save the woman he loves?

Furst again tells a compelling story of people who, out of the spotlight, put their personal and professional lives on the line to fight fascism. He's got a formula, and it works really well.

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