19 August 2015

Book Log 2015 #19: Why Preists? by Gary Wills

In this book, Wills examines what he calls the "failed tradition" of the Catholic priesthood.  This mostly looks at the way the church developed the priesthood using a specific - and perhaps not that accurate -reading of certain Bible passages coupled with later writings by Aquinas to create the tradition of Jesus as priest, a power then handed down through St. Peter and eventually to the popes, cardinals and the rest.

At least that's what I think it did, as (a) I had trouble following Wills' argument due to my own deficiencies in theology and history, and (b) I didn't finish the book due to those deficiencies.

I think the topic is interesting, and a version written for your average layperson would be helpful.

 (Popsugar Reading Challenge: not applicable, not going to use a book I didn't finish)

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