26 May 2020

 Book Log 2020 #27: The Office: The Untold Story of the Greatest Sitcom of the 2000s: An Oral History by Andy Greene

(I usually skip subtitles, but felt compelled to include it here for the rare subsubtitle.)

I thought it might be too soon to have an oral history of the US version of The Office, but then I realized that two of the more popular television oral histories of recent years - Live From New York about Saturday Night Live and These Guys Have All the Fun about ESPN - were written while both subjects were ongoing.

So maybe it's the amount of time being covered? Both SNLand ESPN had been around for decades when their histories were written, while The Office ran for seven seasons.

Whatever the reason for my trepidation, I was able to shake it off and enjoy this book. There is something to be said about compiling an oral history while everyone you want to talk to is still around to be talked to. I wouldn't say there were any real suprises in the book, but there's plenty of added detail for fans.

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