11 October 2020

 Book Log 2020 #60: The Lost Continent by Bill Bryson

There's an old saying that "you can't go home again," and this book kind of proves the point. After several years living in the UK, Bryson returned to the US and road tripped across the country to get an idea of what life is like in the non-touristy, small town, "real" America.  

What he finds apparently doesn't meet his expectations, as much of the book is darker and, frankly, ruder than what you might expect if you've previously read A Walk in the Woods or In a Sunburned Country. I was going to chalk this up to it being an early book, written before he developed a more positive style of humor, but I had similar reservations with The Road to Little Dribbling, which is one of his more recent books.

I wouldn't rush out to read this, unless you're a completist and want to check off all of Bryson's books.

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