04 July 2021

 Book Log 2021 #33: Born a Crime by Trevor Noah

The title of this memoir by the comedian and host of The Daily Show is literal, in that Noah was the product of a relationship between a white man and Black woman, which was illegal in South Africa at the time. From that beginning, Noah recounts the challenges of growing up in that environment, largely without a father, and with the feeling of not fitting in anywhere due to being mixed race.

But with those challenges is a large amount of humor, recounting stories of high school, dating woes, his extended family, and how he discovered that he had the talent to move beyond his circumstances. 

I really enjoyed this book, as your average comedian's memoir is often too busy trying to be funny to tell you anything about the person. I felt like the book gave me a much better idea of who Noah is as a person and a comedian, and got to laught a bit along the way. It's a quick and entertaining read.

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