21 August 2021

 Book Log 2021 #45: Paddle Your Own Canoe by Nick Offerman

When the reading challenge I was doing required listening to an audiobook, I only had one criteria: it had to be short. I'm not really an audiobook listener, and didn't want to get sucked into a 15+ hour commitment. What I discovered pretty quickly is that celebrity memoirs tended to be on the short side, and often had the bonus of being read by the author. Which is how I wound up filling my earholes with the story of how Nick Offerman became Ron Swanson.

Well, not really, But it was easy to see (I mean hear) how aspects of Offerman's life informed that character, from an appreciation of the outdoors to his woodworking skills to a love of quality meats. 

I also learned that Offerman really, really likes weed.  Maybe that's part of Ron Swanson's subtext?

The book is part biography, part manly advice manual, and while I thought the former part was stronger than the latter I did enjoy the book as a whole. Unfortunately, by listening to the audiobook I did not get to see the illustrations (some of which are on the page linked above,) which are pretty amusing.

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