17 January 2022

 Book Log 2022: Sex Cult Nun by Faith Jones

This is one of several recent memoirs by former members of the Children of God (also known as The Family or The Family International), a religious movement/cult which combined fundamentalist Christianity with communal living and an emphasis on sex as a way to show God's love. What sets this one apart is that Jones is the granddaughter of the group's founder, and thus has a unique insight into both the day to day life and broader practices of the group.

As the title implies, sex played a significant role, and females (including children) were expected to have sex with any male member of the group. The trauma this caused was significant, especially when added to the emotional and physical abuse common among such groups. Making sex a critical part of faith added another layer, adding the fear of eternal damnation on top of everything else.

Jones left th group as an adult, and the latter part of the book documents how she gained an education and developed her own sense of the wider world, experiences she was blocked from having while growing up. I found this part of the book a little uneven, as her critiques of education and other social structures don't always ring true to me (though I admittedly am coming at them from a very different place).

The book shows a great deal of restraint with regards to sex (moreso than you might expect from the title), talking about it plainly but without lurid detail. The recounting of life within the group is fascinating and well worth reading.

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