07 November 2020

 Book Log 2020 #63: Palaces for the People by Erik Klinenberg

In this book, the author makes the case that the best way to repair our social fabric, and to redevelop shared values, is to create more and/or better shared spaces, such as parks and libraries. He also gives examples of how social infrastructure - resources and facilities that help communities develop and thrive - have made signficant improvements to quality of life.

This is a premise that I bought into pretty quickly (shocking for someone who regularly goes to the library), but as I read the book I found my enthusiasm waning.  Maybe I just didn't need that much convincing and got bored as the book continued to make a case that I already agreed with. Not sure. But it's worth a read if this is a subject that sounds interesting.

Of course, you can also listen to this episode of 99% Invisible, where the author talks with show host Roman Mars about the book and the ideas behind it, and then decide if you want to take a deeper dive with the book.

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