21 February 2024

 Lentorama 2024: Clerical Crime Solvers

Day 7: Callie Anson

After the tumultuous end of her engagement, Callie Anson is looking forward to what she thinks will be the quieter life as the curate of a London church (which makes her more or less assistant clergy to the person already assigned). It turns out that the religious life isn't that much more peaceful, notably when she interacts with other male clergy who don't think women should be ordained.

When one of those dissenting vicars turns up dead, Callie's friend and mentor (who defended her choice of vocation to the dead man) is a prime suspect. Callie turns to her faith - and some innate sleuthing abilities - in order to prove her friend's innocence.

It looks like as the series goes on Callie is less involved with sleuthing and more with bringing her unique perspective to what's going on in the parish. There are still deaths, but it's not clear from the synopses I've read if she's materially involved with the investigations. 

I found it interesting that the author of the series, Kate Charles, isn't English at all, but from the American midwest. Maybe Anglican parishes here aren't conducive to crime solving prelates.

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