17 March 2009

Lentorama 2009: Great(?) Moments in Catholics on Television

February 26, 1976: A Sweathog opts for the priesthood

On the last episode of Welcome Back, Kotter's first season, we learn that Vinnie Barbarino has promised his dying grandmother that he'll become a priest. When she finally expires, Barbarino trades in his jeans for a white robe and spends his time blessing and forgiving everyone. He also becomes even less studious, prompting this exchange with Mr. Kotter:

Vinnie: The reason I'm here is to talk to about yesterday's quiz you flunked me in. I forgive you.

Gabe: Don't forgive me, Vinnie, okay? Just study.

Vinnie: Mr. Kotter, the Lord is my shepherd. Do sheep study?

But his piety has its limit, such as when he tries to give his blessing to Bambi rather than ask her out. He cracks, and reverts back to his woman-killing ways, to no one's surprise.

The big surprise of this episode? Its air date. Give how popular Welcome Back, Kotter was, it's a little hard to believe that the season ender was in February. Of course, if it aired now the entire season may be compressed into three months, so perhaps it's not that odd.

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