01 April 2002

Not much to note from the weekend past, though we (more correctly, Sarah) did a lot of driving within 48 hours. From Boston to Wellesley to pick my sorry ass up (my ride to the T was otherwise occupied in some sort of crisis), Wellesley to Stockton Springs, Maine, Stockton Springs to Plaistow, New Hampshire, and Plaistow back to Wellesley. That's not including her driving back home from the family excursion to Bangor that seems to happen every time I visit (or, more correctly, every time Sarah visits and I happen to be there, too).

Ate very little ham, just a sandwich Saturday night. Ate out for Easter dinner, and the only ham they had was with raisin sauce. Ack. Had prime rib instead. That was fine with me!

Looks like I'll be getting a Stanford jersey, as the voting was for the Cardinal in a walkover. I'd like to know who voted 1100 times for them, as it apparently wasn't who I thought it was.

Hmm, what else? I managed to take up 2 of the final 3 spots in my own March Madness pool, a sign that my general negligence towards college basketball is taking its toll. I can't say I'm that saddened; the worst part is going to be trying to collect $5 from people who live, variously, in western Mass., Maine, and New Jersey.

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For want of anything better to post, here's a breakdown of if I've been to the most populous 100 cities in the US, and if so for how...