08 July 2005

Thing that I learned yesterday that makes me unsettled: post-9/11, the US has spent $18 billion to secure air travel. On public transportation, we've spent $250 million.

In the course of her daily commute, my wife rides a commuter train twice, a bus, and the subway. I'd like to think that, on some level, there is more than the occasional video camera and a MBTA official handing out leaflets reminding passengers to report things that look funny standing between her and a repeat of Madrid and London.

Public transportation is an incredibly soft target, and doesn't appear to be getting any harder. So much for "never forgetting."


Matt said...

Speaking of never forgetting, I woke up to see American Morning on CNN, interviewing New Yorkers. The banner underneath?

"Could It Happen Here?"

I almost threw the remote at the TV.

Mark said...

Your problem, of course, was that you were watching American Morning. It's like they took the most banal parts of the network morning shows and put them all together in one tasty package.

For want of anything better to post, here's a breakdown of if I've been to the most populous 100 cities in the US, and if so for how...