20 April 2006

In the course of having a Diet Coke with lunch every day, I've been entering codes for the My Coke Rewards program, amassing 72 points to date (you get 3 for every code from a 20 ounce bottle). The assorted prizes for that number of points isn't particularly interesting, so I've taken to browsing what's available for higher point totals.

One high-end prize that caught my eye was the week-long RV vacation, which includes a rental, campground fees, money for gas and mileage, and so forth. To claim this prize, I'd have to amass 28000 points. Taking away my current total, and assuming my current rate of consumption (1 bottle per day, 5 days a week), it would take me approximately 35.8 years to earn enough points to earn this. Sadly, the program's published end date is in 2007, not 2042.

This is where you come in.

All I'm asking is that you email me your cap codes. Once I get 28000 points, we'll start planning the Great Blogalicious RV Extravaganza, to take place at a site central to all of you who donate codes. We'll figure out what to do then - fish, hike, swim, drink, fight crime, whatever. But you have to donate codes first, so get crackin'!


Greg said...

this is interesting: There are 271 days left in the eligibility period (1/15/07) and you can only enter ten codes per day. Even if 9334 3-point bottles fall off a truck and into your lap this evening, you aren't given the time to enter them all.

Even if the 2800 10-point fridgepacks appear on May 1, when they're supposed to hit the market, you can't redeem them all in time without the mysterious "double-points periods." Looks like Coke learned a lesson from Pepsi's Harrier suit.

Mark said...

Here's to hoping that the double-points period is the six months prior to the end of the promotion. If not, you're all invited over to use the air hockey table or whatever comes of this.

For want of anything better to post, here's a breakdown of if I've been to the most populous 100 cities in the US, and if so for how...