06 April 2006

We finally got back to bar trivia on Tuesday, managing to pull out second place on the second tie-breaker. We had the closest guess to the number of head coaches the Boston Bruins have had in their 77 year history (we answered 16 to the other team's 15; the correct answer is 25).

We lost the game by one point, frustrating as we talked ourselves out of two correct answers (though they were pretty much guesses anyway). Your questions:

Name either of the words in the English language that use all five vowels in alphabetical order. - facetious (Scott) - we got the other one, abstemious, meaning marked by restraint, especially in the consumption of food or alcohol. Which is kind of what I thought it meant, but I more or less knew it as one of those trivial things rather than from using the word.

In what city did the first 24 hour convenience store open its doors in 1963? - Las Vegas (Scott) - we were debating between NYC, Vegas, and LA. I argued for NYC based on people being more likely to walk to a store at odd hours. This made sense compared to LA - who walks? - but we underestimated the needs of folks wandering down the Strip at 3 am. For those who care, the store was a 7-11.

In what country would you find the Southern Alps? (Hint: it's not in Europe.) - New Zealand (Salome) - early discussion took the southern part literally, and we considered various mountain regions in Africa. This didn't seem right, so we turned our attention to South America. We then tossed in New Zealand, but thought it wouldn't come up again after a question on the mountains of New Zealand came up a few weeks ago. It did. We went with Argentina, based on the Andes being pretty big and Argentina having a fair number of former Europeans.

What team beat the Chargers to win the first AFL title in 1961? Houston Oilers (Sly) - For some reason the Dallas Texans popped into my head (we were given a clue that the team was still in the NFL, but under a different name). They actually beat the Oilers for the 1962 title. It didn't help that I was also thinking of the original Dallas Texans, who were so awful in their 1952 debut (1-11) that they folded - but became the new Baltimore Colts. Which worked out for the people of Charm City, at least. Can't remember if Hyph or me came up with Houston, but Hyph got me to go with it, thankfully.

In what movie did Dustin Hoffman play a character named Bernie Laplante? Hero (Chris) - we were pretty stuck on this, and went with I (Heart) Huckabees based (I think) primarily on the song clue ("Heart and Soul" by Huey Lewis and the News). Looks like the song was in homage to an earlier question on Huey Lewis (had to name him based on his real name). Hero never entered into the discussion, and thus Chris can keep his shame all to himself.

What name is shared by a Klimt painting and a Rodin sculpture? The Kiss (Anthony) - Both of the wives knew this right off. I only heard them say "The" over the music, and wrote "Thinker" as a matter of habit. Thankfully, with the final question I tend to show it to make sure it's correct. This was the final question, and we bet the max. So did the team that beat us and the team that was tied with us.

What is the fewest number of states you can travel through to get from the east coast to the west coast of the US? Seven (Cooch) - we just worked out this route when the call went up for answers, and we hadn't really counted. But we did have enough basic math that I was able to put down 7 in haste. This was our tie-breaker question, which the other team also got, which led us to the question on the Bruins coaches.


The Grim Reaper said...

5. Hero - saw it in the theater. As there are no points to be had here, nothing but shame.


Anonymous said...

I believe the Southern Alps are in New Zealand.

Scott Monty said...

1. faceciously (I included 'y')
2. Las Vegas
4. The Green Bay PAckers
5. "The Thinker"
6. Eight

Anthony said...

Klimt and Rodin both did The Kiss.

Greg said...

#6 - four, if you're defining coast to coast as atlantic to pacific. TX, AZ, NM, CA.

Mark said...

For the last question, the use of the term "east coast" was meant to exclude the Gulf of Mexico, which is east of the Pacific but not really the east coast.

Anonymous said...

4. Houston Oilers. The derrick lives!

Anonymous said...

I mearly talked you into Houston for #4. Can't take any credit for actually knowing it before-hand.


Anonymous said...

Probably seven ... N.C., Tenn., Ark., Okla., N.M., Ariz., California. Though I'm not sure that can be done on actual existing roads.

For want of anything better to post, here's a breakdown of if I've been to the most populous 100 cities in the US, and if so for how...