03 September 2007

Things that struck me while perusing this list of anniversary presents:

* I was alternately surprised and saddened by the multiple entries for diamond under the modern gift column. Those clowns at DeBeers are everywhere.

* Would it be possible to have all the lists sync up a little more, especially in the early years? Look at wood, for example: it's the fifth anniversary gift on the US and UK lists, but for the sixth on the modern list. Similar problems with things like leather and linen, too. Who can make these changes? The UN? Hallmark?

* I'm also disturbed at the early anniversary modern gifts that, in many cases, would have been cleared up with wedding presents. China for a second anniversary seems redundant, unless you're one of those people for whom love is said with a gravy boat or whatever other random piece is missing from your set.

(Kudos to De Stijl for noting a good alternative take on china. Wish I'd thought of it.)

Anyway, it'd be better if these came in the five to ten year range, so you can replace broken stuff.

* Clearly, the folks running the metalworking and textile guilds have fallen asleep at the switch, or their checks haven't cleared. The modern list makes no mention of copper, tin, aluminum, steel, wool, iron, silk, or tungsten (tungsten? only the Brits). On the other hand, ivory is off the modern list, for which Babar thanks you.

* I also can't quite get my head around paper being replaced on the modern list by clocks. Paper has so many great options, while clocks... don't. Unless you're counting all the different styles of clocks... but even then there are at least as many styles of paper.

Clocks. Feh.

* There is something either wonderfully perverse or completely morbid about a 90th anniversary being celebrated with granite. Be wary if your spouse throws in free lettering.

This is the sort of crap that I think about when called into work on a holiday. Aren't you lucky? Not that you're reading it today; you're probably at the beach or poolside or something.

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