14 April 2008

It's apparently National Library Week, which seems like one of those things I should know, being kind of a library geek.

Not much more to add to that, other than you think they'd come up with a better slogan. But I suppose there's a reason why they're working with books rather than writing them. At least they got it trademarked, what with the market for bootleg National Library Week merch.

Seriously, though, if you've not been to your local library recently, this seems like a good week to stop in.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The library week slogans are generally kind of lame, at least from a college library perspective. But yes, everyone should go to their local library, be it your town or city's public library, a college library, a fancy-schmancy private library, or whatever kind of library you have nearby.

And today, April 15, is National Library Workers Day, so everyone should celebrate me and my fellow library folks. Baked goods are always welcome.

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