04 April 2008

You may remember back in the fall I asked for suggestions on a location for a warm weather vacation. Or you may not, given the dearth of suggestions (thanks again to you happy few who did chip in your two cents). Either way, this past week was the week of the warm weather vacation, which saw us go to the Dominican Republic to stay at a resort on the Playa Dorada, which lies on the north coast near Puerto Plata.

I'm not sure if I'll recap the trip here, actually write something up separately, or do as I've done for last summer's trip to Devon and think happy thoughts about a write up before letting it pass. We'll see how motivated I can get to do something.

Anyway, happy to be back, or at least as happy as can be given that it's in the 40s and drizzling.

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For want of anything better to post, here's a breakdown of if I've been to the most populous 100 cities in the US, and if so for how...