05 February 2009

Book Log 2009 #5 and #6: The Areas of My Expertise and More Information Than You Require by John Hodgman

Hodgman, a Former Professional Literary Agent turned Famous Minor Television Personality for playing "PC" in a series of Apple Computer ads, professed to provide us with COMPLETE WORLD KNOWLEDGE in The Areas of My Expertise, but then managed to find more knowledge - enough to fill an even longer book - which he imparted in More Information Than You Require. You might have expected a book of COMPLETE WORLD KNOWLEDGE would not allow for a sequel. But it did, thanks in large part to all of the knowledge in both books being completely made up (expect for the list of US Presidents who also had a hook for a hand, which is based in FACT).

Both books are recommended if you like humor, random CAPITALIZATION, and have a burning desire to learn about hobos or the Molemen, for whom Hodgman shows surprising sensitivity and interest. PERHAPS TOO MUCH.

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