26 February 2009

Lentorama 2009: Great(?) Moments in Catholics on Television

September 26, 1960: John Kennedy takes on Richard Nixon in the first-ever televised Presidential debate.

I don't think I need to go into specifics here, but if you don't know how this turned out, this page will give you a decent synopsis.

Catholics haven't fared so well in Presidential politics since, but we are currently a heartbeat away from our second Catholic president. I was reminded of this yesterday when I saw Joe Biden, complete with ashes on his forehead, on NBC Nightly News. And two heartbeats away there's Nancy Pelosi, who is also on the team. All that being said, it may not be a bad idea this Lent to say an extra prayer for the health and safety of President Obama.


Anonymous said...

and after Pelosi there's Senator Robert "KKK" Byrd.


Mark said...

To be fair, he only joined because he went to high school with Nathan Bedford Forrest.

For want of anything better to post, here's a breakdown of if I've been to the most populous 100 cities in the US, and if so for how...