23 March 2014

Book Log 2014 #3: The Yard by Alex Grecian

Set in a Victorian London still rattled by Jack the Ripper, a series of police killings puts stress on the Murder Squad, a unit within Scotland Yard created to solve killings. When it falls to the squad's newest member - brought in from the sticks for reasons he's not even clear about - to solve the case, there's doubt among his colleagues that he's up to the task. This impression may not be helped by his use of a doctor (with his new-fangled ideas about things like "finger marks") and constables who have their own issues.

There's nothing super remarkable about this book, it's another reasonably good historical crime novel that highlights the clash between old and new thinking at the turn of the 20th century. One thing I did like about it is that we learn the identity of the killer fairly early on, and get to see much of what happens from that perspective, which isn't so common.

Worth a read if you're looking for something in this genre, certainly.

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