12 March 2014

Lentorama 2014: We're Ready for Your Closeup, Your Holiness

Day 7: The Shoes of the Fisherman

A Ukrainian archbishop, released after 20 years in Siberia, comes to Rome at the request of a young and troubled priest. The archbishop meets the pope, who takes a shine to the archbishop, and elevates him to cardinal. When the pope dies, the Ukrainian finds himself elected pope, and as Kiril I has to face his own doubts about his ability to lead, the increasing seriousness of the problems besetting his young priest friend, and worsening relations between the Soviet Union and China.

Anthony Quinn plays Kiril, while Sir John Gielgud plays the previous pope. So a pontiff twofer today. I've read the Morris West novel this is based on (apparently before I started the book log), which I remember liking in a vague sort of way.

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