03 October 2018

 Book Log 2018 #37: 12.21 by Dustin Thomason

When a smuggler brings a rare Mayan codex into the US, he also brings something else - a deadly disease that spreads quickly across southern California.  It's up to an expert in Mayan artifacts and local doctor to put a stop to the growing pandemic by deciphering the codex.

As you might have guessed, the story (and title) of this book is based on the "end of the world" scenario that was linked to the end of a cycle of the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar. The scenario was that the end of the cycle - on or around December 21, 2012 - there would be some sort of apocalyptic event or shift in the cosmos or something that would be bad news for us all. This wasn't something the Maya actually believed, but it sold a lot of merch so people just went with it.

The book is kind of meh. I had higher hopes for it as Thomason was one of the co-authors of The Rule of Four, which I really did like. You'd be better of reading (or re-reading) that book rather than taking on this one.

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