10 February 2021

 Book Log 2021 #6: A Separation by Katie Kitamura

A woman goes to Greece to find her ex, whose gone missing six months after they agree to split up (a parting that they've not yet made public).  He was staying at a luxury hotel in a remote part of the country, and the juxtaposition of that arrangement only heightens the narrator's emotional state. She goes from high-end meals and clean modernity to a countryside full of burned woods, packs of dogs, and other omens that suggest her search will be in vain. She also quickly determines that she knew even less about her husband than she thought, that his serial infidelity was just the baseline of where his reality diverged from what she thought she knew of him.

Writing this, and reading some of the online reviews of the book, I think this novel reads a lot better in synopsis than in full. The book is much more of a psychological examination of marriage, relationships, and alienation, than it is a convential mystery. I think I wanted the latter, but the reviewers who were more positive about the book praised it for the former. Keep that in mind if you're interested in picking this up.

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