16 March 2021

 Book Log 2020 #2: Medallion Status by John Hodgman

The follow-up to Vacationland, Hodgman talks about how he rose to a certain level of fame, the benefits that come with that, and what happens when that level of fame starts to recede. Like Vacationland it bounces between the absurd aspects of his life and very personal reflections on how his work and relative fame impacted his real relationship with his family. 

As with Vacationland I found the essays engaging and very funny (I admit I'm probably right in the middle of the target demo for Hodgman's brand of absurdly dry humor). Very much recommended.

(Note: not that it has anything to do with this particular book, but I'm pretty sure this is the last physical book I read from our local library before the Covid-19 pandemic shut everything down. I don't think the library was even open to return it until the fall.)

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